Nutrition Values

A raw vegetable is the most important meal of the day as it imparts alkalinity and is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients and fiber which are the basis for health. It prevents many lifestyle disorders like obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, constipation and many types of cancers.These salads provide healthy carbohydrates in small amounts, proteins in its simplest form (live enzymes & sprouts) and fats in its natural form (coconut/sprouted nuts/sesame etc.). So, it is a complete and healthy meal in itself.Cucumbers are juicy, tomatoes add sourness, coconuts add sweetness, greens add sodium and thus the salad is complete in its natural taste.Most importantly these salads decrease craving for unhealthy food which are rich in fats/sugars/salt by reconditioning the taste buds.


About Our Healthy Snacks

Healthy eating is nothing but a lifestyle. Eating vegetables and choosing to consume whole grain foods are only a small part of this lifestyle. It is a common misconception that giving up snacks is a must-needed sacrifice. But, in reality, it is more about what type of snacks you eat. You can have delicious, scrumptious snacks without it hurting your healthy eating lifestyle and it’s right at the tip of your fingers! Welcome to our healthy snacks, food that will not only quell your hunger but also your happiness! Meet our Organic Laddoos, made with healthy alternatives! Enjoy the delicious treat without the sugar and preservatives. Each and every bite will bring you a happy splash of nutrients and savoriness. The scrumptious texture of sesame and jaggery will leave a lasting taste on your tongue.